Catalog Number: 2018.033.027
Photographer: Greber
Location: New Bremen, OH
Photographer Imprints: Foil Stamped Text
Paper Process: Albumen (Sepia)
Condition: Good
Edge Style: Beveled, Gilded
Borders: Elaborate Lines Below Image
Card Colors: Dark Maroon
Photo Date: 1890-1895
Value: $5-$20
Card Description:
Andy Piehl written in pencil on back of card. Image is poorly cut or poorly mounted so has a ragged left edge (see scan). Some minor surface wear to image.
Number of Subjects: 1
Age: 18-23
Gender: Male
Andreas “Andy” Piehl: a young man in a suit with a lighter undershirt. The shirt has a round collar and if he’s wearing a tie it blends in too well. Only the top button of his suit is buttoned. His hair is neatly trimmed and is parted down the center. This is a bust shot in partial profile.
Name: Andreas John Piehl Birth Date: 11 Mar 1864 Death Date: 12 Jul 1895 Age at Death: 31 Death Place: Lock Two, Ohio Spouse: Wilhelmina Griesinger
This is most likely Andy’s grave: Andreas “Andy” John Piehl.
This is most likely his father’s grave: Andreas Piehl.
His father’s obituary reads:
### Andreas Piehl Death this week entered the ranks of the aged and called away two of the pioneer citizens of this community who had to a large extent been material aids in the development and upbuilding of this section of the country. They were Andreas Piehl and Wm. Tostrick Sr., both for many years active tillers of the soil, owning adjoining farms each of Lock Two. They were both born in the old country, but as ambitious youths selected America and this immediate vicinity as a field for their activities. Mr. Piehl was born July 29, 1830, in Kleinlausch, Neustadt (county), Mecklesburg-Schwerin. He was trained to become an agriculturalist and when 24 years of age came to this country, choosing New Bremen as a trial home. He was engaged in farming, road building and other occupations for two years when he returned to the old country to be accompanied back the same year by his father and the other children. Working in Piqua a while he came again to New Bremen and was married to Catharine Hoecker, and became the father of twelve children of whom three sons and three daughters remain. Soon the young couple invested in farm property, east of Lock Two, where they resided until 1898 when they moved to Lock Two and lived in retirement since. The infirmities of old age were the immediate cause of Mr. Piehl’s death which occurred Monday noon, he having attained the age of 80 years, 5 months and 24 days. Burial took place yesterday afternoon in the German-Protestant cemetery, Rev. W. F. Henninger conducting services in the chapel. [N. B. Sun – 1/27/1911]